Labor Lessons

Labor Lessons

Many women find that their first-time birth experience wasn't exactly what they wanted or hoped for. If you'd like more knowledge about how to better prepare for labor and delivery, or want to know that you're not alone on your birthing journey, this podcast is for you. Every episode shares a real-life lesson learned from a real-life labor and delivery experience. Every episode offers the chance to connect with other women, to increase your knowledge of the birthing world, and to advocate for a better birth next time.

Recent Episodes

Feb. 14, 2024

E35 Sonia: Make Yourself a Priority- preeclampsia, covid quarantine pregnancy

Sonia is a former educator turned health coach. She developed preeclampsia suddenly at 34 weeks pregnant with her second child. This was during covid quarantine, and she was teaching from home while caring full-time for her …
Jan. 17, 2024

E34 Natalie: Postpartum Rage, Prenatal Anxiety and Depression, Mood Disorders

Natalie is a second-time mom and co-host of The Golden Hour podcast. Last year, I spoke with Liz, the other co-host of The Golden Hour podcast, about her postpartum anxiety. In this episode, Natalie shares her battles with p…
Nov. 8, 2023

E33 Allison: The Need For Better Education On Mood Disorders- prenatal anxiety, postpartum depression, mental health during pregnancy and postpartum

Allison is an intuitive medium and owner of Souls of a Feather where she offers readings online. In this episode, she shares her experience with both prenatal and postpartum mood disorders. Allison suffered from PCOS (Polycy…
June 28, 2023

E32 Natalia: Using Grief To Grow- Infant Asphyxiation and Loss, Grief, Strength and Resilience

One year ago today, Natalia's son Xavian was born. Just 12 hours later, he passed away. Natalia is originally from Russia, and currently lives in Brazil. She and her husband love to travel. While in Egypt, she found out she…
May 25, 2023

E31 Maureen: Listening To Your Intuition- homebirth, stalled labor, breastfeeding struggles postpartum, giving birth as a midwife

Maureen Farrell is a lactation counselor, doula, herbalist, and homebirth midwife practicing in rural West Virginia. She is also the co-host of the Milk Minute podcast, which provides evidence-based and entertaining breastfe…
May 10, 2023

E30: How To Advocate For Yourself During Labor- 10 Doulas Share Their Best Advice

One of the most common things I hear when talking with women about their birth experiences is that they didn't know how to advocate for themselves going in. Whether they were overwhelmed by what they were feeling, or they we…

Recent Blog Posts

Nov. 18, 2022

Giving Birth During a Pandemic

This blog post was originally written March 23, 2021   There are a few words that come to mind when I think about being pregnant and giving birth during a pandemic. Scary. Uncertain. Lonely. I got pregnant in March of …

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Oct. 3, 2022

The Ice Cube Exercise

Have you ever heard of the ice cube exercise? It helps prepare you for labor by training you to focus your mind during contractions.  If you are planning a natural birth, you should definitely try it. If you're planning on …

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