Postpartum Depression Episodes

Nov. 8, 2023

E33 Allison: The Need For Better Education On Mood Disorders- prenata…

Allison is an intuitive medium and owner of Souls of a Feather where she offers readings online. In this episode, she shares her experience with both prenatal and postpartum mood disorders. Allison suffered from PCOS (Polycys...

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Oct. 19, 2022

E15 Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Copper Toxicity and Postpartum Depression- i…

Dr. Stephanie Rimka is a holistic brain optimization specialist. She built Brain and Body Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia, where she focuses on neurotherapies to identify and address the root causes of mental illness, chronic i...

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Sept. 14, 2022

E10 Amanda Rolph: Having Patience, Trusting Your Body, and Letting Go…

Amanda had a lot of anxiety while pregnant with her first baby. People's comments about how big her baby might be contributed to her anxiety and her need to control things. Amanda's first birth experience was full of interven...

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Sept. 7, 2022

E9 Betsy Sloan: Traumatic Induced Labor Followed by a Traumatic C-Sec…

Betsy's induced labor was long, painful, and extremely traumatic. At many point during her labor, she asked the doctors to give her a c-section, but they refused. After 12 hours in excruciating pain, the doctors finally decid...

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