March 8, 2023

E27 Kimberly Tara: Prepare for the Unexpected and Have Multiple Plans- precipitous labor, induced labor, birthing during COVID

E27 Kimberly Tara: Prepare for the Unexpected and Have Multiple Plans- precipitous labor, induced labor, birthing during COVID

At 36 weeks pregnant with her first child, Kimberly was concerned that her baby wasn't moving enough. Her doctor sent her for monitoring and even though she wasn't dilated, they decided to induce her. That night, she ended up going into labor naturally on her own! 

The epidural didn't work at first, but her labor progressed slowly enough that there was time to fix it. She ended up with a second degree tear and had a rough recovery combined with breastfeeding issues. 

With her second baby, Kimberly walked around 4 cm dilated for weeks. She was eventually induced and had issues with the epidural again. This labor was super fast at only 2 hours long! Kimberly's doctor joked about keeping towels and scissors in the car if she and her husband decided to have a third. 

With her third pregnancy, Kimberly had a lot of anxiety. She was nervous about how the labor might go and how quickly it could progress. This was also during COVID, and she was worried about hospital policies and how that might affect her birth. 

After dinner on her birthday, Kimberly felt her water leaking. She was determined to hold the baby in until her birthday was over, but life had other plans. She and her husband made it to the hospital just in time for the baby to be born in the wheelchair on the way to labor and delivery! 

After deciding to have a fourth, Kimberly felt she needed a little more control over the labor, and was induced again due to low movement. Once her water was broken by her doctor, her baby was once again born very quickly. 

Listen in as Kimberly shares about the wild ride she and her husband had during her four labors, and things she learned along the way that helped her navigate each one. 

Kimberly's website and podcast-


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