April 12, 2023

E29 Stefanie: Trusting Your Support System During Birth- asphyxiation, potential traumatic birth, importance of strong support system

E29 Stefanie: Trusting Your Support System During Birth- asphyxiation, potential traumatic birth, importance of strong support system

Stefanie lives in Scandinavia where she raises her two boys. Throughout her journey into motherhood, she experienced the benefits of a health system where midwives are the forefront of pregnancy and birth.

Stefanie's first son asphyxiated right after being born. What could have been a traumatic event for her was not, due to her strong support system. Her birth team calmly handled the situation, while keeping her informed of what was going on. She felt heard, supported, and involved in her birth.

Stefanie also experienced the benefits of living in Scandinavia during her postpartum period. She was seen and visited multiple times, cared for, and supported during her transition into motherhood.

In this episode, Stefanie shares about the importance of trusting your birth team. If there isn't a mutual trust, there is great potential for birth trauma. She also shares about the benefits of living and giving birth in Denmark, even without family or close friends.

Raw and Real with Stefanie Fernandes


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